Flourish is a single-use, disposable product for the management of stress urinary incontinence in women. The novel device allows women to stop SUI leaks before they happen rather than absorb them after the fact.
How it Works
Flourish is inserted and worn like a tampon. Providing strap-like support under the urethra (like surgical slings), Flourish compensates for weak natural support.
Sub-urethral sling versus Flourish supporting urethra
Single size. Flourish arms are spread widely enough to enable them to rest upon the pelvic floor muscles for support in the mid-vagina. A single size fits all women in whom there is no significant pelvic organ prolapse.
Flexible arms. Independent arms flex for easy insertion and removal. No applicators required.
Self-positioning. Learning to use Flourish is fast and easy.
Single-use. No cleaning or prep for re-use.
Preparing Flourish for insertion
Flourish gives women back their freedom!
- Allows women to resume regular activities without concern.
- Restores confidence.
- Eliminates the need for bulky absorbent pads or invasive surgery.
- Made of recyclable plastic to reduce environmental waste.
- Flexible use. Women can use Flourish when they want, whenever they want – for leakage in predictable circumstances or daily by those who have unpredictable leakage.
© 2023 Flourish Medical, LLC